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Great Local Shows - Theatrical Reviews

Title I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change
Organization Sutter Street Theatre
Date(s) of show January 17-February 15, 2014
Reviewer Georgi Desmond
Review The opening of I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, on Saturday night was a bigger celebration than usual. It also marked the first Broadway Series show of Sutter Street Theatre’s 9th season – and a new hip for its Artistic Director, Connie Mockenhaupt. The space has been completly redesigned with a lower stage and more sharply staircased seats among other things. And it was sold out!

This is a 4 person show and the 4 people are Christopher Celestin, Michael Coleman, Jessica McKillican and Jennifer Morrison. The two women have been seen on this stage at least 2 times:  the two men, some 15-30 times each. You would think that a cast with that much experience would give its audience an outstanding show…and you would be SO right.

The show is a musical that almost defies description, but here are the names of a few songs: “Not Tonight, I’m Busy Busy Busy,” “Stud and a Babe,” Why? “’Cause I’m a Guy,” “Sex and the Married Couple”….get the picture?  But it was all in very good taste.  A reviewer tends to want to pick out favorites and give them more ink – but that would be a shame this time. It was a perfect ensemble! Each member excelled in timing, in the use of bodily and facial expressions, in nuances of delivery – and they all had big stage voices that were completely under control. They worked together as if they had done so for months instead of weeks.

The Assistant Musical Director/Accompanist, Kale Coppin complemented the cast to the nth degree and he won a door prize which… was appropriate. Kudos too, go to Wade McKenzie-Bahr for running a very tricky light board. Of course, Connie Mockenhaupt did her usual outstanding job of directing. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is the result of a director’s touch and what comes naturally to the actor. In this case I’m sure it was a canny blending of both.

So, I haven’t really told you anything about the show. I truly believe it can’t be described. You have to see it. Please do. You will be so glad you did. It runs through February 15th at 8:p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 4:00 p.m. on Sundays.

Here’s a clue as to how it was received (aside from the fact that everyone around me was saying it was the best musical they had ever seen). You know how when a show is over, one or two people will stand up, then another 2 or 3 until almost everyone is standing? This time, when the show was over, we rose immediately, almost as one body, and applauded as if our lives depended on it.

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